Course Request Information

Find all the info you need here when planning for classes for next year and beyond.

Course Request Packet

Packet that includes all of our academic departments and all the classes we offer at BGHS.

Academic Departments

Visit this section of the site to see information about classes specifically in each subject area.

D214 Graduation Requirements

These are the minimum graduation requirements a student must meet in order to graduate. NOTE: Graduation requirements are difference than college admission requirements. As a reference, you can check out our BG vs. College Admissions chart.

4 Year Plan and Grad Check

Use this to plan out your schedule over the your 4 years in high school to ensure you are meeting all the graduation requirements. Following this link will create an editable copy of this document in your Google Drive.

BGHS vs. College Admissions

Use this comparison chart to see some common differences between our graduation requirements and some college admission requirements. This can help with planning your courses over the next couple of years.

Pathway Flowcharts

Click this link to take you to a folder that has all the Career Pathway flowcharts. Find the career or cluster you are intersted in, and it will show you not only all the classes you can take, but the order you should consider taking them in.

Time Management Planner

Use this form to help plan out your time after school to ensure you have enough time for all your homework, extra-curricular activities, family/work obligations, and self-care.
Following this link will create an editable copy of this document in your Google Drive.

D214 Academic Handbook

Follow this link to view the District 214 Academic Handbook to get information related to all academic concerns (courses available, career pathways, policies, etc.)

Follow this link to go to our Apply214 website. Use this site for Dual Credit courses and Academy applications. MAKE SURE TO SELECT 24-25 SCHOOL YEAR.These are the instructions on how to complete the dual credit application.If Harper College is providing the college credit for your dual credit class, follow these instructions to do the Harper Application.

Harper Promise

Follow this link to go to Harper's website to learn all the details about the Harper Promise.

Career-Specific Course Info

Flip through this flipbook to find specific information about coursework in each cluster, including specific programs, prerequisites, and what a 12th grade schedule might look like.